Ideation and Prototyping
In this class we explored creating ideas and following through on them with multiple drafts to prototype and create a final product. Beginning projects were to create mood boards and something based on those mood boards. We also created a tumblr blog that we updated throughout the semester. Mine is linked below:
My blog includes my ideas, drafts, and completion of my final project for the class which was to create a utopian society free of barriers regarding color.
Other assignments from this class include:
This is a mood board of Tim Burton including his characters, color schemes, and overall mood. The assignment was to create a mood board based on a visionary artist.
Based on the mood board of Tim Burton, with a partner, the task was to create a presentation and project inspired by that creator. My partner did research on Tim Burton, while I created a stop-motion claymation in Tim Burton’s style and put together this video.
Personal Mood Board
This assignment was to create a mood board that represented myself. I decided to base mine on the pansexual flag since that is my sexuality. Each section includes my favorite movies and shows, musical artists, and images that I found to be pleasing. I also included my hobbies, hair colors, and some of my own photography.